1. What gender are you?
- 66.7% of people who answered were female and 33.3% were male, so my magazine should have more female aspects in aswell as men.
2. How old are you?
- 77.8% of people who answered were aged 14-17 with 11.1% being 8-13 and 26+
- So my main target audience is teens going into young adult.
3. What music Genre do you listen to?
-66.7% answered R&B and Rap
-33.3% chose Indie
-11.1% metal and 11.1% chose clubland
- so my music Genre of my magazine should be R&B and Rap as this genre seems to be the most popular choice of music.
4. when looking at a magazine, what colour scheme works best?
- Red, white and black had the highest ratings with 66.7% of the vote.
-pink, purple and white came in at 3rd with 11.1% of the vote
-black, pink and white 22.2%
-Green, blue and yellow with 0%
-Red white and black came out with the highest vote, this is the colour scheme i will use as it fits in with the target audience and Fits the colour scheme of the VIBE magazine cover.
5.Which music magazines do you buy? Please specify..
-top of the pops- This is quite a childish magazine and not in my desired target audience range.
-Metal Hammer- Is a Heavy metal magazine and even though its not the main Genre i would like i could still add elements of metal in the magazine.
-Shout/Mizz/ELLE-These three magazines aren’t really music based but still have elements of music in them.
6.How often do you buy a music magazine?
-Every day-0% this shows that people dont tend to buy music magazines religiously.
-twice a week-0%
-Once a week-0%
-every fortnight- only 11.1% of people who answered bought a music magazine every fortnight
-once a month-33.3% this shows music magazines are purchared on average once a month. If at all.
7.When looking through a music magazine would you prefer other interests as well?
-88.9% of people selected Yes. With the highest option being fashion as the highest other interest.
-11.1% selected to have no other interests in a music magazine.
Overall Analysis.
My magazine should be mainly aimed at women who are young adults or older teenagers. The main genre will be R&B and hip-hop with a colour scheme of Red, white and black and should be sold monthly and have elements of fashion in.